As it’s mental health awareness week and we’re a recruitment agency, we thought we would reflect on the effects the workplace can have on mental health and ways in which this can be managed.

Anxiety is this year’s theme for mental health awareness week. We all experience anxiety naturally, but occasionally it can spiral out of hand and cause mental health problems. Unfortunately, the workplace can have a significant impact on anxiety.

Here are a few methods to help cope with workplace anxiety:

đŸ€·â€â™€ïžSpeak to someone! Whether this be a manager, co-worker, or a friend
đŸ’€Take a break! Use allocated holiday or take a short walk around the block during the working day
✔Take advantage of employer resources and benefits
😁Attend therapy
👏Do the best you can do! Instead of aiming for unrealistic perfection, be proud of what you can achieve

If you want to find out more about mental health week and anxiety, click the link below:



#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #workplace #wellbeing #balance #awareness #help #speakout