How To Ace Your Interview 

How To Ace Your Interview


Whether you’re looking for the next phase of your career or a temp role to take you to month end, a good interview is essential in getting the gig. These tips and tricks will help you ace your next interview so you can land your dream job.


1.Timing Is Everything

If you can, arrange your interview for mid-morning, mid-week. How does 10:30 on Tuesday sound? 2

2. Do Your Research

Browse the company’s website, check if they’ve been in the news and look at their social media.

3. Be Prepared

Decide how your qualifications, experience and personality match what you’ve found about the company, its ambitions and ethics.

4. Establish Common Ground

Find something in common with your interviewer. Kingston Barnes can suggest shared interests for you to bring up in conversation.

5. Practice Makes Perfect

Ask yourself the most common interview questions and answer them – out loud. It’s great if friends or family can play the interviewer, but you could always record yourself and look for where          you can improve.

6. Question Everything

When the interviewer asks if you ‘have any questions’, make sure you have a few prepared, ranging from training and how your performance will be assessed to incentives and career prospects.

7. Minimise Stress

Get an early night and lay out your interview clothes the day before. Check how long it will take you to get to the interview, allow extra time, then set your alarm early.

8.  Be On Time

Get there 10 minutes ahead of the interview time. Not only will this create the right impression, but you’ll also feel calmer.


What To Take With You

  • Extra copies of your CV
  • References
  • Work samples
  • Questions
  • Paper and pen

Turn Your Phone Off…

Or at least put it on silent!

9. Dress For Success

Show that you take the company seriously by presenting a clean, smart image that you’ve obviously spent time preparing for the occasion. That might not mean a three-piece suit, but if in doubt,    break out the big guns and at least buy a smart tie.


10. Talk To Your Interviewer’s Age

Younger interviewers tend to prefer ‘creative’ answers, while you should emphasise hard work and loyalty to older interviewers.

11. Body Language

Your interviewer will like you more if you mirror their movements. Be careful not to be too obvious, but join in if they lean forwards. Showing your palms and wrists is good, folding your arms is      bad.

12. The Eyes Have It

Look your interviewer in the eye. Don’t be creepy and stare them out, but strong eye contact suggests intelligence and confidence.

13. Be Confident, But Show Deference

There’s nothing wrong with saying that you’re good at something, but it’s even better to show that you’re aware you can learn from a mentor.

14. Don’t Be A Robot

You’ll bore your interviewer if you speak in monosyllables of one note. Try to break up the length of your sentences and don’t be afraid to show excitement by speaking louder, faster or with a            rising and falling note to your voice.

15. Duly Noted

Employers like it if you take notes in an interview because it shows you take your application seriously and you want to review it later. Always prioritise their questions and your answers, but a         note here and there is sure to impress.

16. If You Want The Job, Say So!

This carries more weight towards the end of the interview, after you’ve had time to size each other up. If you want the job, say so!

17. Always Be Closing

Right at the end, ask how you compare with the ideal job candidate, how you stack up against other applicants or if they have any doubts about you being able to do the job. This may be your last    chance to address any concerns your potential employer may have.