From submariner to civvy street; how Kingston Barnes helped one serviceman to realise his potential.

It’s not easy to leave the armed services after nearly seven years; and never more so than if you want to kick-start your career rather than take any old job to make ends meet on civvy street. But that’s exactly the situation Mathew Richardson found himself in earlier this year.

The former Weapons Engineer and Submariner had been looking for a job throughout his 12-month notice period; more actively in the months leading up to his discharge. As Mathew says, he found the prospect of looking for a job, “A bit daunting; I didn’t know what was going to happen.” He goes on to describe the whole process as, “Nerve-wracking”.


Welcoming And Helpful

Mathew applied online for a job through Kingston Barnes and says that he found the recruitment agency, “Very welcoming and helpful. It was just what I needed; someone to guide me and help me with the application.” He goes on to say that Kingston Barnes are, “Approachable and friendly – they know what they’re talking about; and how to get the best for you.”

Mathew’s decision to leave the armed forces was based upon the navy’s decision to relocate all submarine activity to Scotland. Newly married, Mathew had bought his first house and despite dreams of a road trip in America, he didn’t want to be away from home with a child on the way.


The Kingston Barnes Difference

Previous recruitment agencies had either told Mathew that he wouldn’t be right for the job or forwarded his CV while telling him he wouldn’t get the job, which Mathew says, “Was a downer straight away.” Rather than waste everybody’s time, Mathew says that, “Kingston Barnes made sure I was a match in the first place to give me the best chance of getting the job.” He values the feeling that there was somebody in his corner, saying that Kingston Barnes, “Worked hard for me to get the position.”


Prepare To Succeed

Mathew’s been working as Maintenance Technical Leader at Swindon’s TS Tech since August, managing preventative maintenance and fixing robotic weld cells when they break down to ensure that their customer – Honda – is happy. It’s a huge responsibility, but how did Kingston Barnes help him make the transition from defending the realm to getting the job that would suit his life moving forwards? Mathew says that, “When we heard that I had an interview, Kingston Barnes took me through what to expect and recommended that I brush up on my technical tests to prepare; just make sure I’m happy. It was good.”

Mathew may have found stepping out of the submarines and onto civvy street a bit overwhelming, but he says that, “I wouldn’t be doing the job I am now without Kingston Barnes”


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