Did you know 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem each year (UK, 2022)

At Kingston Barnes we pride ourselves in looking after our employees and not just within the office. That’s why Kate Hallett and Molly Lumsden have both successfully completed the Mental Health First Aid course endorsed by Mental Health First Aid England accredited by St John’s Ambulance✔

Kate said, “I have completed the Workplace Mental Health First Aid Course which I found to be both interesting and informative. It is so important to spot the early signs of mental health and have the confidence and knowledge to be able to act correctly and efficiently when needed.”

Kate and Molly can offer help to anyone at KB who have a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental illness or a mental health crisis as well as being there simply if someone wants to talk.

With these small practices we aim to create a safe working environment where our staff feel listened to and can access available support.

Sometimes expressing your feelings out loud can really help and we encourage everyone to talk to someone no matter how small or big the issue is🧡

#mentalhealth #help #kb #speakup #experience #environment