institute of recruiters

We are delighted to announce that our very own Managing Director, James Kingston, has been appointed as an Ambassador for the IOR (Institute of Recruiters). Due to his commitment, experience and success within the recruitment industry James has taken on the position as Ambassador for the South West.

The Institute of Recruiters (IOR) is a British institution representing the highest standard mark in recruitment. As the professional body for human resources, agencies and in-house recruiters, it is the voice of the people working within the industry. It also provides British recruitment best practice guidance, training, education and networking opportunities.

James is honoured to have been appointed and stated:

‘I have always been passionate about recruitment and I am a great believer that it is the people who create a successful business. Finding the right person and matching them to the right company is what helps drive a business forward. Furthermore the best recruitment comes from understanding how important that is, and truly understanding your industry. I get great satisfaction in helping people find the right job that can springboard a career and help them achieve their life goals.

I have come to love the construction and recruitment industry and really enjoy every aspect of it. This passion is why I have taken the position as Ambassador and also so I can pass this on to the next generation of recruiters. Finding the added value in candidate and clients and being a partner to them to improve their career or business is such as rewarding and fulfilling position to be in’.