If you hate Mondays and have that dreaded feeling every Sunday night it may be a sign it’s time for a change. If you are not happy it is important to know why before you start job hunting. What is it you actually want out of a job and what is wrong with the current job you’re in? Are you tired of mundane tasks, if so it may be time to consider a small change internally or to another company within your industry? If you are dreading the fundamentals of the job it may be time for a bolder change and a change of career path altogether!

Our Managing Director, James Kingston, has achieved the dream, here is what he has to say…

‘Career advice nowadays can come from all areas of your life. Friends, family, work colleagues and more often than not from people who are actually aren’t in their dream job!

I have my dream job. After many year in recruitment I realised I loved recruiting but wanted to do it my way and on my terms, so the natural next step for me was to build my own business that was built on my values, and that I was in control of.

It is by far the biggest risk I have ever taken, putting my family at potential risk by being financially unstable and in recruitment terms having my head on the block for everyone to see, potentially the most embarrassing career move I could have made! But I wanted more from a job than something that just paid the bills. I wanted to feel excited every day about going to work and more than anything I want my son to look at me and say wow that’s my Dad!

I love the people I work with and what I do and I smile every morning in the know I made the right decision.’

So how do you land your dream job?

1 – Know your limits
Start by researching the skills and expertise required to secure the job you want. You may discover the best route to your dream job is to retrain or return to education. Alternatively you could seek an entry level position in your desired industry that would allow you to develop experience and connections. However if both these options pose too much of a financial risk consider looking for opportunities within your current role/company which would enable you to broaden your skills.

2 – How do you find it?
Don’t spend all of your time scrolling through generic job sites, many companies use their open websites, LinkedIn and social media sites (Twitter and Facebook) to advertise their current roles. Furthermore it is wise to search industry specific websites and publications such as Construction News. You can also join groups that are related to the position you want as they contain some great contacts, such as The South West Construction Network on LinkedIn.

An alternative route to using the internet is to talk to employers directly, attend careers fairs and talk to peers already working within the industry that interests you.

3 – ‘Show me the money!’ (Jerry McGuire 1996)
Is it all about the money? If you are in a role just for the money will you ever be truly fulfilled? Many people, especially those embarking on their career, focus on money. However employers love passion so it is important to choose a role that you genuinely like doing. Moreover the highest paid roles are usually those which are the most stressful.

Dream Job

4 – Stand out from the crowd
It may sound obvious but in order to stand out from the competition you need start by writing a flawless Curriculum Vitae (CV). Ensure it is bang up to date and concise, by doing so CV you stand out as the majority of jobseekers do not do this. Moreover tailor your job applications to specific job specifications. Whilst perfecting your CV leave some space so you can add details that are relevant to the specific job you are applying for.

One other route, not for the faint hearted, is to produce a video! Why not make a statement by filming yourself running through you CV and achievements. This option not only illustrates creativity but your communication skills to. This could also be added to your social media accounts.

5 – Research, Research, Research
The recession has changed companies and they are now more stringent about the employees they take on. They want to get the full value for money. Make sure you hit the ground running at interview and be prepared. Do your homework on the company, show them you know all about them and ask relevant questions that also illustrate your research. You are more likely to stand out by doing this.

6 – It’s not what you know…
It is easier now than ever to ‘connect’ with people on a digital level. However this has actually made it more important to meet in-person with professionals and employers seek personal recommendations. Your LinkedIn network is no replacement for face-to-face meetings. If you do not have a personal connection with a potential employer then make one. Find out who you need to know and trace work backwards to someone who you could meet. In addition to this attend networking events such as trade shows.

7 – Impress – CV, Interview and any opportunity
Your CV is an excellent first foot in the door and an opportunity to illustrate what you’ve accomplished in your career. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are also good platforms to demonstrate your ability and are definitely places hiring professionals go to look at you. However in reality, although social media is a good way of sourcing candidates, the hiring process hasn’t changed and a strong CV and covering letter is required by employers.

Ensure your social media accounts are appropriate and work summaries are in depth enough and up to date. Gain online recommendations even if you are not actively seeking a new position at that moment in time. If you have recently completed a good project request feedback from your Manager.

Once you have secured an interview make sure you fully prepare! A good way of doing this is set up Google news alerts from the company in question and research into recent press coverage. You could even talk to past and present employees. After you attend an interview send a thank you email.

8 – What you shouldn’t do
Do not expect to get a new job overnight. Job hunting takes time and patience, it is however important to reflect on your strategies regularly if you have not had any success. More importantly do not quit your current role until you have secured a new opportunity in writing! Always leave on good terms, fulfilling your notice period as it is always good to leave the door open and great references are an essential part in gaining a new position.

If you feel like it is time for a change and would like some assistance with this process please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to offer advice and guidance.

Dream Job