Free Replacement Scheme

At Kingston Barnes, in addition to our standard rebate terms will offer our clients a guaranteed free replacement up to the 12th week of employment of a successfully placed permanent candidate.

A concern for employers looking to hire via an agency is that in the event of the person placed not working out you have to pay a finder’s fee for the initial candidate and potentially another!

We understand that paying out a fee is daunting if the ideal candidate is not so ideal anymore or has decided the company is not for them.  As an employer you are left in an awkward situation as you have paid recruitment fees and now have no candidate. In other words, you are back to square one and still need to fill the position – what to do?

Q. How Does a Free Replacement Work?
A. A guaranteed free replacement is offered up to the 12th week of employment of a successfully placed permanent candidate.  Should the employee terminate their employment or not be capable of performing the duties and responsibilities of the position once in employment during the first 11 completed weeks of employment, clients will be entitled to a free replacement alongside our standard rebate terms.

Q. What Qualifies for a Free Replacement?
A. To qualify for the Replacement Guarantee, the Client must ensure that payment is received within the agreed payment terms of the date of the invoice (Clause 6.2 ) and notify Kingston Barnes within 7 days of the date of the termination of the Engagement.  The Client must allow Kingston Barnes reasonable time (agreed on a case by case basis) within which to put forward suitable replacement applicants; this will receive the highest priority.  Only one replacement is provided and needs to replace the position that the employment has been terminated with. Please note – within the first 2 weeks if the candidate’s employment is terminated a client is entitled to a full refund or a free replacement provided all conditions are met.

*For the full terms and conditions please get in touch with your contact here at Kingston Barnes.

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